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Innovations & strategies
Welcome to Bajrang Research Foundation :

Bajrang Research Foundation (BRF) has been working since 1990 with a team of experienced scientist, technologist and social workers.
BRF is affiliated to Marathwada Agricultural University , Parbhani. The University scientist have been providing full assistance and working jointly with BRF scientists. Institute developed a seedless lime variety first time in India with own resources without any financial assistance
from public and private agency or Government
The variety was innovated in the year 1991 and finalized in the year 1998. The Marathwada Agricultural University and Government of Maharashtra released variety jointly. The evaluation of the seedless lime variety was done by the joint Agrosco Committee of the agricultural scientists from Maharashtra state i n May 2000. After careful examination, discussion of scientific lines, the committee released the variety for plantation in Maharashtra “The Best variety of Lime in India named AJIT seedless Kagzi lime”. In spite of this institute developed Bajrang Dual Season Mango, Yogesh Sapota. Also institute developed new nursery technique, composting methods like Bajrang compost, value addition technique and water diffusing technology.
BRF established precision farming association in Patoda & Shirur block with own agro services deal with seed, fertilizers, pesticides and marketing arrangement on pilot scale. Institute proposed horticulture mix vegetables or floriculture model with advanced technology and processing up to final stage with forward & backward linkages.
The cluster approach was adopted for operational conveniences and better logistics. The consolidation of holdings was not done in as much as the farm holding were too small and there was lesser compatibility among the farmers. The cluster approach rendered support to collective marketing through mutual consultations and discussions. To federate farmers as a corporate sector and to aware those about the corporate virtues with which they are successful viz.
1. They have the capability to honor any order of high volume (Quantity).
2. They do the cultivation professionally there by the physical and nutritive qualities are ensured (Quality).
3. The 1st lot and last lot are strikingly uniform (Uniformity).
4. They are able to deliver in time (Timely delivery).
These virtues viz., quantity, quality, uniformity and timely delivery are inculcated in the minds of the farmers and the Farmers’ federation is now gaining the corporate qualities and thus becoming a Farmers’ Corporate.
Also gives training of nursery, horticultural cultural, floricultural, medicinal plant management grafting, pruning etc.
Institute runs skill development programs of :
- Ministry of Rural development, New Delhi.
- Swadhar, Women & Child Development Department, Govt. of India.
- Hariyali, DPAP, IWDP (STI).
- National Center for Organic Farming, Ghaziabad.